Manual for Teachers: Section 13 . . WHAT IS THE REAL MEANING OF SACRIFICE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33 paragraph 4

Section 13


page 33, paragraph 4




4 God’s teachers can have no regret on giving up the pleasures of the world. 2Is it a sacrifice to give up pain? Does an adult resent the giving up of children’s toys? 3Does one whose vision has already glimpsed the face of Christ look back with longing on a slaughter house? 4No one who has escaped the world and all its ills looks back on it with condemnation. 5Yet he must rejoice that he is free of all the sacrifice its values would demand of him. 6To them he sacrifices all his peace. 7To them he sacrifices all his freedom. 8And to possess them must he sacrifice his hope of Heaven and remembrance of his Father’s Love. 9Who in his sane mind chooses nothing as a substitute for everything?

The World Holds no Value

I cannot say how I will feel when I have completely given up all value of the world. I have some experience with this when I extrapolate from that success and say that I believe what Jesus says here. I am not angry that we made the world or that we chose to have this experience and I don’t even regret it. I am ready to be through with it, but I don’t condemn it or any of those who are still interested in it.

I Can Enjoy the World More without Valuing It

But nor do I regret any part of it that I have given up already. I used to take great pleasure in winning and I loved competitive games. I enjoyed being better than others at my job. My last job was in sales, which is very competitive. It was a perfect job for someone like I was, and it was a perfect job to discover that winning didn’t have any real value and that it didn’t really make me happy. I don’t miss competing or winning at all.

Work Took on New Meaning

When I began to do my job solely with a focus on being helpful, I enjoyed it more and so much of the stress fell away. It did not happen all at once and I had to work at it, but it was worth it. Work helped me to let go of other things I used to value, like projecting guilt. I used to think that finding someone to be guilty instead of me was quite literally my salvation. Now, I just notice the old habit trying to reestablish itself and I choose again. There is no value in guilt. Taking responsibility and making different choices is far better.

I can enjoy standing on the shore of a beach and listening to the surf. Good music that stirs my soul is also enjoyable. I can enjoy trees and the green of the grass and the vibrant colors of my zinnias, and at the same time, I can enjoy the stark beauty of the desert earth colors. I like movies and vacations and family gatherings and all manner of beauty in the world. And yet, I would not hold onto any of it. I suspect that there is something far more beautiful than what my eyes show me and that it is just waiting to be known.

Special Relationships

Special relationships are maybe the most convincing prize the ego offers, and it is the one that still compels my attention. It is one of the few things that can draw me into the ego story so deeply that I still have trouble resisting. But even that fails to keep my attention completely, and, always, eventually, I turn from this false happiness. I remember that I can have a holy relationship instead and that it is the only kind of relationship I want. The relinquishing of the special relationship is not the sacrifice the ego claims it to be.

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