ACIM Workbook Lesson 347, Year 2021

ACIM Lesson 347 Anger must come from judgment. Judgment is the weapon I would use against myself, to keep the miracle away from me.

Father, I want what goes against my will, and do not want what is my will to have. ²Straighten my mind, my Father. ³It is sick.

The ego cannot survive without judgment

Anger must come from judgment. Judgment is the weapon I would use against myself, to keep the miracle away from me.

1. Father, I want what goes against my will, and do not want what is my will to have. ²Straighten my mind, my Father. ³It is sick. ⁴But You have offered freedom, and I choose to claim Your gift today. ⁵And so I give all judgment to the One You gave to me to judge for me. ⁶He sees what I behold, and yet He knows the truth. ⁷He looks on pain, and yet He understands it is not real, and in His understanding it is healed. ⁸He gives the miracles my dreams would hide from my awareness. ⁹Let Him judge today. ¹⁰I do not know my will, but He is sure it is Your Own. ¹¹And He will speak for me, and call Your miracles to come to me.

2. Listen today. ²Be very still, and hear the gentle Voice for God assuring you that He has judged you as the Son He loves.

Judging Is Something I Cannot Do

I used to be very judgmental of myself and so I judged others. When I judged others, I would then judge myself. It was quite a destructive closed-cycle but I knew I had to break it. I discovered that the way out is to recognize that I cannot judge. Judging requires more information than I have. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit has that information and can judge accurately. I have the Holy Spirit in my mind and so I can ask for His judgment.  

The Holy Spirit Judges for Me

Because the Holy Spirit knows who we are, He will always judge us as innocent and holy. If I judge otherwise, I will be lying to myself and this will prevent me from experiencing the miracle of healed mind. I don’t remember who I am so I don’t remember my own will which is the will of God. The Holy Spirit does remember and will help me if I ask Him to straighten my mind and to judge for me.

I’m Done With Anger

I am being reminded that I can listen to the ego’s voice about myself and about my brothers. Or, I can listen to the Voice for God to learn the truth. It is up to me, and I will be angry or joyful according to the voice I choose. I am done with anger and fear so I have decided to stop judging with the ego. When I notice judgmental thoughts in my mind, I immediately release them to the Holy Spirit for correction. As a result, I seldom experience anger anymore and I never keep it if I do.

A Better Choice

My mind is being purified of ego thinking and I am so much happier and more peaceful than I have ever been. Perhaps you would like to join me in relinquishing judgment. It is a weapon that it is a weapon we use against ourselves and that we do it to keep the miracle away. This can only happen if we identify with the ego as self because only the ego wants to avoid miracles. We are not the ego and we can claim our inheritance as children of God when we stop judging. That sounds like a better choice to me.

To enjoy the Pathways of Light Insights on ACIM Lesson 347 click here.

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