ACIM Workbook Lesson 341, Year 2021

ACIM Lesson 341 I can attack but my own sinlessness, and it is only that which keeps me safe.

I am he on whom You smile in love and tenderness so dear and deep and still the universe smiles back on You, and shares Your Holiness.

I can attack but my own sinlessness, and it is only that which keeps me safe. ACIM Lesson 341

I can attack but my own sinlessness, and it is only that which keeps me safe. ACIM Lesson 341

I can attack but my own sinlessness, and it is only that which keeps me safe.

1. Father, Your Son is holy. ²I am he on whom You smile in love and tenderness so dear and deep and still the universe smiles back on You, and shares Your Holiness. ³How pure, how safe, how holy, then, are we, abiding in Your Smile, with all Your Love bestowed upon us, living one with You, in brotherhood and Fatherhood complete; in sinlessness so perfect that the Lord of Sinlessness conceives us as His Son, a universe of Thought completing Him.

2. Let us not, then, attack our sinlessness, for it contains the Word of God to us. ²And in its kind reflection we are saved.

How Do We Attack Our Sinlessness?

How do we attack our sinlessness? One way is to believe in our sin and it becomes true for us. Someone can accuse me but for the sin to be real to me, I must believe it. Another way to think of this is that we attack our sinlessness when we believe in guilt. The Course tells us this. ⁷For sickness is the witness to his guilt, and death would prove his errors must be sins. (ACIM, T-27.I.4:7) And, ³Sickness where guilt is absent cannot come, for it is but another form of guilt. (ACIM, W-140.4:3). Here is another statement that emphasizes this. ⁵It (atonement) takes away the guilt that makes the sickness possible. (ACIM, W-140.4:5)

How Do We Undo these Beliefs?

One of the ways I am undoing this belief is to look at it with the Holy Spirit. I then state emphatically that I used to believe in guilt. Now I am so grateful that I believe in innocence. This is a form of forgiveness. I do this repeatedly until the mind goes naturally to innocence rather than to guilt. I instruct my mind to innocence because that is what is true, that is what keeps me safe. God created me innocent and holy and so I am. I talk to myself about my innocence because it contains the Word of God to us.

Universe of Thought

This excerpt from our lesson intrigues me. “…the Lord of Sinlessness conceives us as His Son, a universe of Thought completing Him.” We are told there is no world but sometimes Jesus speaks of the universe as a creation. This phrase, a universe of Thought is perhaps the universe he speaks of. After all, we are described as a Thought in the Mind of God. We are also told that 4. We are creation; we the Sons of God. (ACIM, W-pII.11.4:1)

To enjoy the Pathways of Light Insights on ACIM Lesson 341 click here.

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